Is Your Property Worth Developing in Southern Texas?
As a property owner or developer in Southern Texas, you may be wondering if your property is worth developing. At JRH Engineering & Environmental Services, Inc., we provide expert guidance to help you navigate the complexities of property development.
Understanding the Development Landscape
Before embarking on a development project, it's crucial to understand the local development landscape. This includes factors such as land use and zoning appropriateness, environmental regulations and requirements, drainage and floodplains, and utility entitlements[1].
Land Use and Zoning
Understanding local land-use and zoning requirements is essential. These regulations can impact your development plans and necessitate creativity and flexibility[1].
Environmental Considerations
Environmental considerations are also crucial. These may include endangered species, wetlands, and open-space requirements. In some cases, a geological assessment might be necessary to determine whether the land you're developing has sensitive features that could impact the project[1].
Property Value and Taxation
Understanding the value of your property and the associated taxes is also important. Texas has some of the highest property taxes in the U.S., with the average effective property tax rate in the Lone Star State being 1.60%[6].
Feasibility Studies: A Crucial Step
A feasibility study is a valuable tool for anyone considering property development. It can help identify zoning issues, easements that may limit your development, flooding issues, and other development issues such as parking, entrances, and building setbacks[8].
The Rise of Mixed-Use Property Developments
Mixed-use developments are on the rise in Texas, with developers repurposing abandoned industrial buildings into condos, shopping complexes, restaurants, banks, rec centers, and workspace offices[7].
Partner with JRH Engineering & Environmental Services, Inc.
At JRH Engineering & Environmental Services, Inc., we offer comprehensive development services to guide clients through the entire process, from concept to completion. Our services include project feasibility, pro forma modeling & analysis, project entitlement, programming and design, and more[5].
Contact Us Today
If you're considering a real estate development in Southern Texas and need expert guidance, feel free to contact us any time for a free consultation. We're eager to help you navigate the path to successful property development.
Property development in Southern Texas can be a complex process, but with the right guidance and expertise, it can also be a rewarding investment. At JRH Engineering & Environmental Services, Inc., we're here to provide the guidance you need to make informed decisions about your property development project. Contact us today to learn more.
[1] Top 10 Site Development Considerations in the City of San Antonio and the Surrounding Area - WGI Engineering https://wginc.com/top-10-site-development-considerations-in-the-city-of-san-antonio-and-the-surrounding-area/
[2] Real Estate Feasibility Study Texas | Prospectus https://www.prospectus.com/real-estate-feasibility-study-texas/
[3] Valuing Property - Texas Comptroller https://comptroller.texas.gov/taxes/property-tax/valuing-property.php
[4] [PDF] INTRODUCTION TO PLANNED DEVELOPMENT ZONING - A GUIDE TO URBAN PLANNING IN TEXAS COMMUNITIES https://txplanningguide-ojs-utexas.tdl.org/txplanningguide/article/view/15/11
[5] Development Services & Project Feasibility | Hensel Phelps https://www.henselphelps.com/what-we-do/development/
[6] Texas Property Tax Calculator - SmartAsset https://smartasset.com/taxes/texas-property-tax-calculator
[7] Texas Mixed Use Developers On The Rise in 2022 - Urban Value Corner Store's https://www.urbanvaluestore.com/post/mixed-use-development
[8] Feasibility Study | A-1 Engineering https://www.a-1engineering.com/feasibility-study
[9] Local Property Appraisal and Tax Information - Texas Comptroller https://comptroller.texas.gov/taxes/property-tax/county-directory/
[10] Land Development - City of San Antonio https://www.sa.gov/Directory/Departments/DSD/Constructing/Land-Development
[11] [PDF] Lime Creek Quarry Redevelopment Feasibility Study - City of Cedar Park https://www.cedarparktexas.gov/859/Lime-Creek-Quarry-Redevelopment-Study-PD
[12] Home - Bexar CAD https://www.bcad.org
[13] Buying Land in Texas as an Investment https://texasfarmcredit.com/resources/buying-investment-land/
[14] A directed study in real estate feasibility - The University of Texas at Austin https://repositories.lib.utexas.edu/handle/2152/117546
[15] Assessments of the Southwest, Inc. https://www.aswtax.com
[16] Texas Housing Insight report - Article - Real Estate Center https://www.recenter.tamu.edu/articles/technical-report/Texas-Housing-Insight
[17] Mountain View San Antonio Precise Plan Development Feasibility and Community Benefits Study - BAE Urban Economics https://www.bae1.com/expertise/feasibility/item/mountain-view-san-antonio-precise-plan-development-feasibility-and-community-benefits-study
[18] Property Search https://www.martincad.org
[19] Developer and Realtor Perspectives on Factors That Influence Development, Sale, and Perceived Demand for Activity-Friendly Communities - NCBI https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3718394/
[20] [PDF] Feasibility Study Real Estate Development (2023) https://www1.goramblers.org/primo-explore/Book?Academia=Feasibility_study_real_estate_development%282%29.pdf&dataid=dwI%3A6600
[21] As Texas home values skyrocket, state officials wrestle with how to slow property tax increases https://www.texastribune.org/2022/04/22/texas-property-taxes-explained/
[22] Pros and Cons of Buying New Construction in Texas - Chicotsky Real Estate Group https://www.chicotsky.com/news/131-pros-and-cons-of-buying-new-construction-in-texas
[23] Brazos CAD – Official Site – Bryan, Texas https://brazoscad.org